The Basics
This is one of our favorite therapeutic treatments because of its surprising effectiveness. Whether you have anxiety, pain, muscle knots or spasticity, there is a massage just for you. Massage will not return mobility, improve cognition or decrease stroke symptoms but it has incredible relieving properties. Each type, Reiki – Myofascial – Swedish, offers different benefits.
Reiki massage is the transfer of energy from the masseuse to the client. It sounds mystical but read the articles below for a good explanation. Our bodies are purely organic and run on energy like every other worldly being. Like neurofeedback affects the brain’s electric waves and acupuncture improves the circulatory flow, Reiki directs the emotional and mental energy flow. This is just as important to your recovery and overall well being. Stroke is hard and recovery is harder. Your entire body needs nourishing as you’re in this for the long haul.
Myofascial massage stretches the shortened, scarred fascia and irons out painful knots. It’s performed without oil or lotion and focuses more on pressure than movement. You might be sore afterwards but will notice significant relief. If you’ve had surgery, scars bind up the fascia and Myofascial massage is what works it out. Natural pain relief and more doctors are starting to pay attention.
Swedish massage is the type we all recall. The benefit to Swedish massage is to work out knots and tightness and give relief from anxiety, a common feeling with stroke survivors. Another benefit to massage is the pure bliss of being touched and with kind intention. Massage wakens the connection of nerves and sensation, a delight for those with numbness and neuropathy. Essential oils added to the mix make this a pleasing combination!
What is Reiki and Does it Really Work?
Integrative Review of Reiki Touch Therapy Research
Myosfascial Massage – What is it and what does it do for me?