What’s Special About Hyperbaric Oxygen?

Among the many alternative treatments available for stroke survivors, hyperbaric oxygen therapy (HBOT) is the most popular.  HBOT does not reverse stroke deficits nor does it restore damaged tissue.  However, the results may seem as though that is occuring.  The articles below describe how pure, pressurized oxygen can benefit the post stroke survivor.  Even if your stroke occurred years, or decades, earlier you can still reap the benefits of HBOT.


Other Forms of Air Therapy

Ozone Therapy and Hydrogen Therapy are lesser known gas treatments that are gaining popularity in the alternative treatment realm.  


What to Look for in a Clinic

We cannot stress enough to find a reliable clinic that is based on research and safety.  Look for providers that have been trained and certified in their specific advertised field; that are transparent in their practices, realistic in their prognosis and can explain the benefits to you without using vague terminology.  Anyone promising to heal your stroke deficits is mistaken and you should be wary to place your trust in their care.  


The Details of Treatment

HBOT is not cheap but it is so incredibly effective.  It builds on itself and benefit comes from 30-40 sessions in a row, taking a six week break and going another round of 30-40 sessions.  The owners of these clinics are passionate about the powerful effects of HBOT and often offer financing options and help finding grants to fund your treatment.  


Hyperbaric Oxygen Therapy for Stroke Patients – Does It Work?

Hyperbaric Oxygen Increases Stem Cell Proliferation

Hyperbaric Oxygen for Traumatic Brain Injury

Hyperbaric Oxygen Therapy Improves Neurocognitive Functions of Post-Stroke Patients

Hyperbaric Oxygen Therapy Can Induce Angiogenesis and Regeneration of Nerve Fibers in Traumatic Brain Injury Patients


Ischemic Stroke Penumbra and Extracorporeal Ozone Treatment

Ozone Therapy – What is it Good for?

Ozone Therapy May Be Good for Your Heart


Potential Application of Hydrogen in Traumatic and Surgical Brain Injury, Stroke and Neonatal hypoxia-ischemia

Hydrogen Improves Neurological Function Through Attenuation of Blood Brain Barrier


We do not offer medical opinions or diagnoses.  WE strongly encourage you to be transparent with and to consult your entire medical team to determine if a treatment, supplement or lifestyle change is suitable and safe for you.  for instance, ashwagandah is incredible but may decrease the efficacy of medications – not an appropriate supplement for those taking seizure or blood pressure medications.  be proactive about your recovery but also implement due diligence as we cannot ascertain what is safe for you.  The products we list on this site are not an endorsement or guarantee nor do we exercise control or responsibility of the sellers.  Stroke recovery network does not accept or incur any liability for the information provided and readily available to anyone willing to do their own searches and all research, links and products on this site are solely intended for informational purposes