illuminating the road to stroke recovery

for those who come behind us

July 2021, James went to bed with an excruciating headache and woke the next morning to discover he had a stroke through the night.  

The stroke was so severe that ER doctors told his wife Kelly to call their family and say goodbye.   In the ICU, watching James fight to live, she spent hours looking for answers online.  

Kelly found the same information on every site – how to recognize a stroke, stroke prevention, risk factors for stroke. But what was she supposed to do during his stroke?  Who could explain what was happening to her husband?  What would happen next?

By the grace of God, the miraculous intervention of a daring neurosurgeon and the devoted attention of the hospital stroke unit, James survived two cranioplasties and the stroke.   At age 50, he went from an active and fit contractor to wheelchair bound with global aphasia.

After much trial and error, multiple rehab facilities, numerous specialists and alternative treatments, Kelly and James were finally learning to navigate this new life.  They realized how valuable their experiences would have been to them immediately after his stroke.  

While every stroke is different and so is the outcome, Kelly and James vowed to share what they have learned throughout their stroke event and the recovery life so others walking in their shoes can start a little farther down the path.  


This is core mission of the Stroke Recovery Network.


Neuro-opthamologists, PT/OT/Speech therapists, pelvic floor therapists, disability trained dentists, ENT doctors –  these may be a part of your recovery team. 

Quality neuro care is vital to successful stroke recovery.  We list providers in your locality to lessen your search time and find the best fit. 

We support a well rounded approach to recovery but some providers promise unrealistic outcomes or use unsafe methods.

 We list alternative, traditional and holistic providers that implement stroke recovery treatments in a safe, ethical and financially accountable manner. 



Yes, the body can recover and the brain is an amazing organism.  Seriously, our brains don’t get enough credit.

There has to be a balance in lifestyle, health and diet to enhance recovery.  

Here we talk about the latest science behind food, supplements, lifestyle and medications.  We include recipes and links to nutrition blogs and how to identify safe, quality supplements. 

We talk about the gut/brain connection (hint – the gut is really the brains of your body)

We give information on supplements and medications, both prescribed and off label, for you to discuss with your medical team. 

We do not offer medical opinions or diagnoses.  WE strongly encourage you to be transparent with and to consult your entire medical team to determine if a treatment, supplement or lifestyle change is suitable and safe for you.  for instance, ashwagandah is incredible but may decrease the efficacy of medications – not an appropriate supplement for those taking seizure or blood pressure medications.  be proactive about your recovery but also implement due diligence as we cannot ascertain what is safe for you.  The products we list on this site are not an endorsement or guarantee nor do we exercise control or responsibility of the sellers.  Stroke recovery network does not accept or incur any liability for the information provided and readily available to anyone willing to do their own searches and all research, links and products on this site are solely intended for informational purposes