What Exactly is Acupuncture?

Acupuncture is the process of inserting tiny needles into strategic parts of the body to stimulate movement, circulation or alleviate pain.  Survivors use it for spasticity also.  Electro-acupuncture uses pulses of electricity through each of the needles to further stimulate the area and is very effective to enhance the acupuncture process.  



Because acupuncture is thought to improve circulation and lessen clotting, it may not be advisable for those who had hemorrhagic strokes.  Discuss in detail your medical history with your potential acupuncturist to determine if it is safe to proceed.  If not, acupressure may be suitable.  This is simply applying pressure, massage and rubbing in strategic points where needles would have been inserted. 


Benefits – Does It Work?

Oncologists and traumatic brain specialists often recommend acupuncture and acupressure for nausea, pain, anxiety, fatigue and headache.  As these issues frequently plague stroke survivors too, it’s a great idea to utilize these modalities for your therapeutic benefit. 

In China, acupuncture is often administered in the hospital immediately upon the onset of stroke to preserve and improve limb mobility.  We hope that will become mainstream here in the U.S. some day. 


Acupuncture for Stroke: How it Can Help Promote Recovery

Mechanisms of Acupuncture Therapy in Ischemic Stroke Rehabilitation

Electroacupunture Eases Pain Through Stem Cell Release

Electroacupuncture: Holistic Help for Healing

Contemporary Acupressure Therapy

Acupressure for Pain and Headaches

Acupressure to Relieve Headache, Nausea and Anxiety


We do not offer medical opinions or diagnoses.  WE strongly encourage you to be transparent with and to consult your entire medical team to determine if a treatment, supplement or lifestyle change is suitable and safe for you.  for instance, ashwagandah is incredible but may decrease the efficacy of medications – not an appropriate supplement for those taking seizure or blood pressure medications.  be proactive about your recovery but also implement due diligence as we cannot ascertain what is safe for you.  The products we list on this site are not an endorsement or guarantee nor do we exercise control or responsibility of the sellers.  Stroke recovery network does not accept or incur any liability for the information provided and readily available to anyone willing to do their own searches and all research, links and products on this site are solely intended for informational purposes