What Are These Acronyms?

BEMER devices use a pulsed electromagnetic field – abbreviated as PEMF – to deliver a therapeutic signal to stimulate circulation.   Many use it not only for circulatory benefits but to alleviate edema in affected limbs. The difference in BEMER and PEMF is that one is a concentrated target area and the other is a whole body mat. 

This is considered a therapeutic treatment and, while many find it invaluable, it doesn’t have the WOW effect like HBOT or neurofeedback.  If you have edema, this might be the ticket for you.  We are big proponents of lymphatic massage, wrapping and circulation cuffs too.



The drawback to PEMF or BEMER is that you can’t use it with any implants or magnetic devices.   Those with PFO repairs, VP shunts or implants are prohibited from using these devices. 


Other Therapy Enhancement to Consider

Red Light Therapy is the use of red laser lights for penetration into the skin for cell renewal.  Blue light and trans cranial magnetic stimulation with laser lights is also popular.  Again, these are early in the research phase for stroke recovery so their use is mainly therapeutic but the layer effect with other treatments is worthwhile.  And, as a bonus, a treatment session is very relaxing. 


An Explanation of PEMF and Potential Benefits for Stroke Recovery

BEMER Affects Heart Rate Asymmetry in Patients with Coronary Heart Disease

Magnetic Therapy for Stroke Patients: Does it Work?


Potential for Transcranial Laser or LED Therapy to Treat Stroke

Red Light Therapy for Neurological Conditions Explained

Can Light Therapy Help the Brain?



We do not offer medical opinions or diagnoses.  WE strongly encourage you to be transparent with and to consult your entire medical team to determine if a treatment, supplement or lifestyle change is suitable and safe for you.  for instance, ashwagandah is incredible but may decrease the efficacy of medications – not an appropriate supplement for those taking seizure or blood pressure medications.  be proactive about your recovery but also implement due diligence as we cannot ascertain what is safe for you.  The products we list on this site are not an endorsement or guarantee nor do we exercise control or responsibility of the sellers.  Stroke recovery network does not accept or incur any liability for the information provided and readily available to anyone willing to do their own searches and all research, links and products on this site are solely intended for informational purposes