Foundations, agencies and organizations that offer support and education to stroke survivors.
Yoga, Reiki, Lion’s Mane, Neurofeedback, Myofascial, Melodic Intonation – learn what these Neuro buzz words can mean to you
Upon diagnosis of a stroke, your recovery journey begins.
In the hospital? Start with our stroke Crash Course.
Read the articles in Resources to learn how to assemble a well rounded team of medical experts for your recovery and the Practitioners that specialize in multiple modalities.
Looking for a solution to a mobility issue or to gain independence? Check out our Products page.
We’re here to help. If there’s something we haven’t covered, Contact us and we’ll do our best to get that information added to the site.
Most importantly, this is a hard journey. We are walking in the same shoes. We are your tribe. You are not alone.